This is a sample box of larger materials to test and try out for use in a Cover/Repair Install. A main benefit of the sample box is that you can show tenants/owners/management/etc. how this system works, and preview it on their building before committing to a large order.
The sample box includes:
- 20' long piece of our 50" 2mm Pro product
- 4x 48" long aluminum term bars
- 15x 1" long #10 screws. These have a 5/16" hex head and are used to attach term bars to the framing.
- 30' long roll of our 3" white vapor barrier seam tape
- 6 count sample set of our EasyClips™ for attaching BlueTex™ to the roofline on a red iron style building
The purchase price of this kit is fully redeemable to be applied toward any future order of $500 or more, so the kit can essentially be free to try. Just call to place a second order and we'll apply the $100 kit price to your new order.