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      Application: This method is designed for when you have an application that requires you to install BlueTex™ directly on the interior metal skin of the building.

      The most common applications for this are retrofitting existing quonset-style buildings and red-iron buildings where the purlins are being used to support shelving, etc. This application is also great for shipping container conversions, van and bus conversions, jobsite trailers, equine trailers, and any other scenario in which you want to attach insulation directly to the exterior metal skin.



      Gather your supplies for the installation and measure out and plan your spacing for the pins. Remember, you will be overlapping one run of BlueTex™ onto the other, so account for that 3"-5" overlap when you space the pins out.

      Additional Supplies for Shish-Kabob method:

      1. Perforated insulation pins & locking washers
      2. Boss Multi-Seal Adhesive or Gorilla Glue Construction Adhesive (or another strong, all-weather adhesive)
      3. ½" or thicker rigid foam board (this will be cut into small 2" x 2" squares)
      4. 3" white vapor barrier seam tape (to seal your seams and cover all your pin washers)

      Tip: We recommend using a large piece of cardboard/styrofoam to prep the pins. 







      How to Install:

      Step 1: Gluing the Pins Use the Boss® adhesive* to add a nickel-sized glob onto the base of the perforated pins. Place the base of the pin onto the metal skin and push the pin flat to the metal. Adhesive will ooze through the holes of the base - this is OK (and you can smooth it out if desired)! This part of the adhesive will will hold the base onto the metal. We recommend spacing your pins about 24" (2') apart. We also recommend putting some extra pins along the top of the wall since the BlueTex™ is essentially “hanging” from the pins.

      The adhesive will immediately grab onto the metal securely and the BlueTex™ insulation can be hung 24 hours* later.

      *Check the anchor pin before hanging insulation to be sure it is secure; cure times vary with temperature and humidity.


      If you have a red iron style building, see our page on installing to red iron framed walls here or click the photo below: How To Retrofit Walls in Existing Red Iron Buildings


      Step 2: Add the Spacers While the pins are bonding to the metal, prep your foam board spacers. Use a straight edge to cut 2" strips of the foam from the foam board. Then, cut 2" squares out of the strips. These spacers are critical to the installation - they're going to create the air gap that is needed in order for the foil side of BlueTex™ to reflect the heat out of the building. 

      Center up the square foam pieces over the pin and push the piece onto the pin and slide it all the way to the base. This is WHY we call it the Shish-Kabob method! Now you're ready to add your BlueTex™ insulation.


      Step 3: Attach BlueTex™ Attach your first layer of BlueTex™, starting at the bottom of the wall. Push the BlueTex™ on to the pin, with the foil side of the insulation facing the metal, and the white side facing you. Leave the pin exposed because you will layer your second run of BlueTex™ on this same pin.

      Tip: If needed, especially in overhead applications, you can use one washer now to secure the first run of insulation and then another washer after you add the second piece of insulation to the pin for overlap.

      Step 4: Overlapping & Seaming Line up your second run of BlueTex™ so that it overlaps the first run by at least 3" or more. Once it's through the pin, push the washer onto the pin and press it down to secure the BlueTex™ insulation tightly. At this point you can use the tape tab to close the seam.  

      Step 5: Finishing the Install & Extras Once it's secured, snip the ends off the pin for safety. Optionally you can add a piece of white tape to cover the fastener. This step is optional, but the tips of cut pins can cause a mean scratch, so we recommend this step, specifically in high-traffic areas!


      See our Red Iron Shish-Kabob method here: How To Retrofit Walls in Existing Red Iron Buildings

      You can find all of the supplies mentioned above on our Resources Page.


      We are the experts! Give us a call if you have a specific question pertaining to this installation method. Some applications require some creativity and thinking outside the box. If you have photos (or drawings/plans) of your building and would like us to take a look to offer some guidance, we're happy to do that. We're just a phone call or email away!