BlueTex™ double-sided foil radiant barrier is tear-proof and will not tear when you are stapling it up. The 1,000 square foot rolls are about 6 inches in diameter, so you can easily carry them. If you're in a hot climate and looking to control the heat - this is the product for you. We recommend you use the foil in a vented structure. It is NOT intended to prevent or control moisture or condensation. If you're trying to control moisture, consider BlueTex™ Pro or BlueTex™ Supreme.
Heavyweight Foil that is 28.6 lbs per 1,000 sq ft. This foil is super strong and will not tear or rip during installation!
Details for Double-Sided Radiant Barrier Foil:
- 99% pure aluminum that is 97% reflective
Micro-perforated (breathable, this is NOT a vapor barrier) - barely visible, tiny pinholes every 1/2"
- Foil on both sides
- Roll size: 1,000 sq ft each (4' x 250' OR 5'x 200')
- Roll weight: 28.6lb each